Women – In your 20s

Every woman wants to look and feel great. That means taking care of your health from the inside, as well as the outside. As a woman, your body’s needs will alter throughout your life and it is important to keep on top of these needs and really make the most of life.

A quick guide to some of the challenges your body might face during each stage in your 20s

In your early adult years, you are much less likely to fall ill and face health problems, which makes it the perfect time to start an exercise regime, build up your strength and keep your muscles in great condition.

Depending on what you are looking to achieve from your new regime, the type of exercise you choose could vary. If you are looking to improve overall fitness and strength, skipping and running are just a couple of great cardiovascular exercises. If you are looking to improve muscle tone and overall stamina, a low-impact routine of walking and Pilates could be a great option.

Given that these are the years where you are most likely to enjoy a few too many nights out on the town, you may need to monitor your levels of vitamin B and C. If you are eating a balanced and varied diet, taking a daily supplement can be a fantastic way to ensure that your levels of these important vitamins are as they should be.

One vital health check for all women in their 20s is the cervical cancer-screening test (more commonly referred to as a smear test). It is advisable for women to have their first smear test shortly before their 25th birthday, but if you feel as though something is amiss, seek advice from your nurse or GP before then.


Who we are: Harley’s Limited is one of East Africa’s most respected Pharmaceutical, Medical, OTC products, and healthcare service providers.

Source: Harley’s Digital Marketing &
Idah Muthama, Vitabiotics Sales Manager.

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