It is standard procedure for a number of us to over-indulge during the festive season; it is usually the season to be jolly by pampering ourselves with some naughty festive treats or better known as junk food.

After living la Vida Loca, the crazy life, the new year finally dawns on you that you need to lose the extra kilos gained, and hopefully keep it off throughout the year.

Below are 4 habits you should adapt to aid with your weight loss journey:

1. Drink plenty of water

Source: Freepik  

Staying hydrated is a daily necessity. According to a small study, drinking 500 ml of water in the morning (combined with the right nutrition) increases your metabolic rate by 30% and leads to about 2 kgs of weight loss within a month.

Even though there is no one-size-fits-all answer for how much water one should take in a day, the recommended amount is 1-2 litres, especially when consumed before meals.

Daily water intake reduces your appetite and aids digestion leading to weight loss. However, it’s possible to take excess water for your body if you have certain health conditions, such as thyroid disease, kidney, liver, or heart problems; or if you are consuming certain medications that result in your body retaining more water than it can handle like antidepressants.
Therefore, you should seek professional advice from your doctor if you are uncertain about the right amount for you.

2. Work out frequently

Source: Unsplash

Working out regularly has been proven to aid in weight loss and boost immunity.
It is recommended that the best time to work out is in the morning as you will experience better results in your weight loss journey.
Unlike dieting which can temporarily delay weight loss, regular exercising has been proven to increase your metabolic rate, which can result in burning more calories to help you lose the excess weight.
Further studies have shown that combining aerobic exercise with strength training can promote fat loss and muscle mass maintenance. This is vital for keeping the weight off and enhancing lean muscle mass.

Source: Getty images


3. Eat high-protein meals


Having a protein-rich diet will help you lose weight as you will avoid overeating; it makes you feel fuller faster.
Some of the high protein foods that will aid in your weight loss journey are: legumes, salmon, broccoli, cauliflower, chicken, eggs, oats, etc
There are plenty of possible sources of protein you can choose from when going on a weight loss journey. Several of them offer additional nutrients that are beneficial to your general health as well.
Speaking of additional nutrients, we offer an array of multivitamin supplements and many other immunity boosters from our e-shop here that can be taken with your meals.

4. Get adequate sleep

Source: Unsplash

Sleep is linked to several health benefits such as losing weight. It is recommended that you should have at least 8 hours of sleep to enhance your metabolism and other digestive functions in the body.
You curb hunger cravings and burn calories while sleeping.
Additionally, waking up at the right time in the morning is crucial as it is directly linked to weight loss and nutrition management.

According to recent studies, it can take a person approximately 66 days to form a new habit.

If your goal this year is to lose some excess weight gained during the holidays, stick to these 4 habits above and you’ll be on your way to winning at life.

So remember to try to maintain consistency as much as you can for you to successfully achieve your body goals.

We are rooting for you! All the best!

Bansal, P., 2022. 8 Morning Habits That Can Aid Your Weight Loss Journey. [online] Onlymyhealth. Available at: <https://www.onlymyhealth.com/morning-habits-to-aid-weight-loss-1641280977> [Accessed 17 January 2022].
Harvard Health. 2020. How much water should you drink? – Harvard Health. [online] Available at: <https://www.health.harvard.edu/staying-healthy/how-much-water-should-you-drink> [Accessed 17 January 2022].
Semeco, A., 2021. Exercise: The Top 10 Benefits of Regular Physical Activity. [online] Healthline. Available at: <https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/10-benefits-of-exercise> [Accessed 17 January 2022].

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